FAQ - Hudson Integration with SOAPSonar

The following article describes configuring Hudson for integration with SOAPSonar.


Please note that the Hudson integration requires the use of the SOAPSonar command line scripts (runsuite.exe) which is only available in the SOAPSonar Automation and Platinum packages.  This article details the steps taken within Hudson, for more information on the SOAPSonar command line (runsuite.exe) please refer to the HTML help available within SOAPSonar.


1. On the main screen click on New Job to create an new Hudson job.




2.  Select the free-style software project job type, and name your project as you desire.



3.  Restrict your machine selection (if necessary) to a Windows slave with SOAPSonar installed.






4.  Under the Build sub menu, select Add build step and then choose Execute Windows batch command.




 5.  In the command text area add the path and name of your SOAPSonar script to run the desired suite and save the job.




6.  To run your job select Build Now.





7.  When the new build appears under Build History select it.



8.  Click on Console Output and you will see a screen similar to the one below as the suite you have chosen runs.



9.  Please note that you can modify the scripts and pass environment variables (available in the link when creating the windows batch command line for the job) such as %BUILD_NUMBER% and %JOB_NAME%. This a sample of the output where a modified SOAPSonar script was used so that the results PDFs would have the job name and number included.




Hudson Job Command Line

c:\Hudson\scripts\DefaultSuite.cmd %BUILD_NUMBER% %JOB_NAME%


Modified DefaultSuite.cmd


@echo off


echo Build Number: %1

echo Job Name:  %2


cd "C:\Program Files\Crosscheck Networks\SOAPSonar Enterprise 5"

runsuite.exe -m performance -p "C:\Hudson\HudsonTest.SSP" -t "DefaultSuite" -r "throughput" -f "C:\Hudson\results\%2_%1_DefaultSuite.pdf"


cd "C:\Hudson\workspace\SlaveInvocationSOAPSonar"


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