SOAPSonar Install Requirements

The following is a list of requirements for installing SOAPSonar Enterprise and Personal Editions.


Operating Systems Supported:

  • Windows 

NOTES: SOAPSonar can be run on MAC and UNIX based systems through the use of a Virtual Machine running a Windows OS.


Systems Minimum Requirements:

  • 1GB RAM (Minimum)
  • 1GHz CPU (Minimum)
  • 250MB Free Disk Space
  • .NET Framework 4.8 and 3.5 (both are required)

If you plan on heavy performance testing with SOAPSonar, please contact Crosscheck Networks support to discuss recommended requirements.


Installation and Activation Requirements:

  • Local Administrator rights - full access to registry
  • Network connectivity for activation (online via HTTPS or manual via email)


vcredist_x86 Prerequisite:

Some users installing SOAPSonar may encounter the following error:



To resolve this problem, please download and install the vcredist_x86 prerequisite for SOAPSonar.  Then run the SOAPSonar installer again and there should not be any further issues.

vcredist_x86 prerequisite




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